- Free Tarot Readings

Quick Poll Results

Do you believe in an afterlife?

Total Voters: 100387
Yes, the soul is eternal 32%
No, when we die, it’s over 31%
I don’t know 31%
Hey You Sheep08/02/218:42amWake up SHEEP!! I SAID WAKE UP U SHEEP!!!
Dbcfavgt06/18/213:28pm-1 OR 2+19-19-1=0+0+0+1 --
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Dbcfavgt06/18/213:28pm1 waitfor delay '0:0:3' --
Notme10/03/204:36amHello, darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence
TRUMP 202005/18/209:30amBHAhahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa….and you all voted for TRUMP????. God....give yourselves a pat on the back.
Yeehaw11/21/1912:39pmFishy and stanky fishy and stanky i have stds
Star07/29/181:59amWhy isn't the chat function no longer available?
James04/16/185:36amY'all be wildn
Lil shitboy04/19/1611:26amI bought a book on hot romance from some gypsie last week and have been trying it on all the babes that rejected me BUT IT'S NOT WORKING. NEED HELP ASAP WILL PAY BTC/DOGE CALL (888) 936-9360
Heather02/21/167:57pmIt is a shame the site owners decided to take down the readings. Faith in God or no faith, we all have to make choices. Looking at possibilities through the cards, can easily exist within a religious context, and is an inspirational tool, that can help people realize their own participation in creating the life they would like to lead. How that is contrary to believing in God, I don't understand that premise. Considering possibilities is a normal, natural part of being human. There is nothing evil about reflecting on your own life.
Ronaye 02/06/154:53pm While my 19 yr.old son was in the hospital unconscious & dying,i asked him to send me signs to show me he's still with me. He has shown me so many wonderful signs that I am greatful of knowing his presence is still with me. My family is also aware of his presence & he makes sure we do know it's him. I LOVE him and always will til the day i am with him again.
Unbelieveable01/16/157:09amWHAT??, This question/post is STILL here?? SIGH!!!......
Hema rajmanu12/09/143:11pmYes I belief 1000 per cent there is reincanation
Tess11/07/146:44amIt is a REALLY IS!!!!
Brin11/04/149:41amWow what happened to this place? The discussion board is disabled now? What a shame. No readings, no discussions- why even keep this site up- we can get horoscope readings anywhere!
A VERY RUDE & DISRESPECTFUL place! 10/09/146:25amALL of you!! ALLL OF YOU HAVE NO MANNERS AT ALL!! RUDE..and DISRESPECTFUL..STAY WITH THE SUBJECT! God, where do these kinda people come from?!!!! Oh yeah...I think I can answer this question...from a RUDE and DISRESPECTFUL CRACKER JACKS BOX! BUY SOME MANNERS PEOPLE!!!!!
Mindy10/08/145:13pm........! To: New Poll Please, are you in charge here?
...........!10/07/145:10amNEW POLL PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Landy10/05/142:42pmWho is Tozer? This place has really changed. Instead of this web page named Mystic Games, it should be called Child Games. Nobody is on chat anymore and there is too much name calling and stupid arguments on the polls. Who is using God on here as an excuse? It's because some stupid child decided to start trouble on here and now everything has changed. Can we bring the old Mystic back?
Chris09/07/147:36pmThese guys may not want to lead anyone a stray in sin by misguiding anyone with tarot or other forms of "mystic influence", but they sure don't mind peddling the flesh and degrading women in semi-revealing outfits as displayed in advertisements for computer games on this website. Ladies, just take a gander at the extreme right and tell me if you find this strong, warrior woman needs to show cleavage, bosom, and a lot of abdomen. I guess you just have to pick the sin that is the least sinful and makes you the most money!
Alex08/25/147:10amI believe that there is an afterlife where you are joined with God and all your loved ones that passed before you. If more people believed in God and respected their parents, but that also means that parents love and respect their children ---which means raising them to have God in their hearts, and also being there for their kids--to raise them and not letting them run a muck. The world would be in a better place then it is right now. Praise God!
Debbra08/24/141:00amI do believe the soul is eternal. It saddens me to know that the readings have been deleted from the site. Makes me wonder if someone sued Mystic Games and actually scared them. I wish people would remember that God loved everyone and gave free will to all.
Respect08/19/141:04pmLover of Truth, you sound like a very lost, disrespectful, angry person. If you don't like it here, leave. The card readings here have no affect on a person's life. People make their own choices. And you are not going to make any choices for anybody. If a person chooses to read cards or astrology they can do as they wish. You're trying to take control here. Get out.
WTF? ATTN To A.W. Tozer--08/12/146:48amSorry BUT, I am going to keep posting this until there IS A or the TRUTH...that's if he/she can HANDLE the truth that is?. And I am ALSO including TO ALL Psychics that have this "Psychics Reading Websites". Psychics tell us what we WANT to here not what we want to know and or hear. EXAMPLE: They tell you/us "you are going on a vacation/trip/holiday" and it does not happen?? see where this is going?? You pay out $$$ well? you now where this is going. I do NOT care this is MY post and MY comment ...until then?, TRUTH PLEASE!...........--- Dear Mystic Game Readers: After serious consideration, we have permanently removed the Readings and Horoscopes sections because we believe that these features draw people away from God. (So, why in the HELL did you post this (OR such) a website in the FIRST place???). We understand that not everyone share our beliefs, (OUR??? beliefs??) but we cannot continue to host a website in good conscience knowing that we may be leading our visitors down the wrong path. (SO, AGAIN , Why in the HELL do you post such a website?) God is truth. (YES he is...BUT, CAN YOU HANDLE THE TRUTH? Na, Didn't think so). For those who come and search for guidance or counseling, please consider turning to God. (Which MOST of us do). Whoever searches for TRUTH, will find it, if your search is sincere. "Reading are not for prophecy or soothsaying. The combination of images and meanings do not provide anything the reader does not have already have within them. At Mystic Games we believe the future is unwritten. We are born with free will and must always exercise personal responsibility . As such the readers are meant to enlighten, nurture and entertain". The quote above was included at the beginning of every on our site. With time, we have to observe that the Tarot has become corrupted and is now largely used for divination and fortune telling, which was never our intention, and which is contrary to our beliefs and to the original purpose of this site. (So, remove this WHOLE site then). People have been relying on readings for counseling and life decisions. This is wrong and unhealthy. (WELL?, this was THEIR decision..and NOT yours to chose to take away). While soul and searching and introspection are encouraged, people should turn to God and other people they can trust for guidance rather than randomly generated readings or horoscopes. "For not only does sound reason direct us to refuse the guidance of those who do or teach anything wrong, but it is by all means vital for the lover of truth, regardless of threat of death to choose to do and say what is right even before saving his own life." A.W.Tozer-----MY COMMENT: So, my question is to A.W.Tozer--Why again did you post such a website like this in the FIRST place? It is called and named "MYSTIC-GAMES". It is a game...that's all. If people want to believe in this..or WHATEVER they want to believe in...then that is THEIR right and their decision. Why would YOU take this away from us?. People wanted to come onto this website to do their own readings and read their own horoscopes, that was THEIR right..and THEIR own decision and NOT YOURS. If you..yourself do or believe in God...then YOU..yourself should post the TRUTH!. You didn't have to post could of taken this WHOLE website off the web. But? you didn't decided to take the readings and horoscopes off because YOU WANTED to take this away...NOT because ours or YOUR belief in God OR turning away from him!. So, YOU should tell and post the truth!. AGAIN, I ask...WHY..WHY DID you post this (OR such) a website in the FIRST place???
Lover of Truth08/08/1410:57am(This is a reply I wrote to an opinion that the site owner is deciding for other people... and this completes the views I would like to express about this shut down) I don't think the site owner is deciding anything for anyone, they are deciding for themselves. This site is owned by them and it does not suit their current state to continue it. so... there it goes. We all change, no one stays the same .... I have been using this site lovingly for years, and I respect whoever is running it, and that's why I also respect their decision to stop it. I think this decision was not easy for them either and was taken after much consideration, obviously for reason of not wanting to contradict what they feel/believe now. And that kind of honesty with oneself deserves respect, even if it does not fit our beliefs or wants. I wish him/her/them the best and to always follow the path of truth with such truthfulness to oneself.
Lover of Truth08/08/1410:47amThank you for being honest to lovers of truth, and above all, to yourself Thank you. I don't know why, but I felt relief after I read the message of stopping the tarot reading. And I felt that my intuition about this site (that I have felt good about it), and this tarot service (which I have been using solely), was right, you are conscious people driven by truth, to truth. I have been using the tarot reading on this site for inspirations on my path, as the explanations of the card are deep and inspirational. Thank you for the many years of best service. May God envelop you with his mercy and lift all the veils to you!
WTF?, ATTN to: A.W. Tozer--08/03/146:48amDear Mystic Game Readers: After serious consideration, we have permanently removed the Readings and Horoscopes sections because we believe that these features draw people away fro God. (So, why in the HELL did you post this (OR such) a website in the FIRST place???). We understand that not everyone share our beliefs, (OUR??? beliefs??) but we cannot continue to host a website in good conscience knowing that we may be leading our visitors down the wrong path. (SO, AGAIN , Why in the HELL do you post such a website?) God is truth. (YES he is...BUT, CAN YOU HANDLE THE TRUTH? Na, Didn't think so). For those who come and search for guidance or counseling, please consider turning to God. (Which MOST of us do). Whoever searches for TRUTH, will find it, if your search is sincere. "Reading are not for prophecy or soothsaying. The combination of images and meanings do not provide anything the reader does not have already have within them. At Mystic Games we believe the future is unwritten. We are born with free will and must always exercise personal responsibility . As such the readers are meant to enlighten, nurture and entertain". The quote above was included at the beginning of every on our site. With time, we have to observe that the Tarot has become corrupted and is now largely used for divination and fortune telling, which was never our intention, and which is contrary to our beliefs and to the original purpose of this site. (So, remove this WHOLE site then). People have been relying on readings for counseling and life decisions. This is wrong and unhealthy. (WELL?, this was THEIR decision..and NOT yours to chose to take away). While soul and searching and introspection are encouraged, people should turn to God and other people they can trust for guidance rather than randomly generated readings or horoscopes. "For not only does sound reason direct us to refuse the guidance of those who do or teach anything wrong, but it is by all means vital for the lover of truth, regardless of threat of death to choose to do and say what is right even before saving his own life." A.W.Tozer-----MY COMMENT: So, my question is to A.W.Tozer--Why again did you post such a website like this in the FIRST place? It is called and named "MYSTIC-GAMES". It is a game...that's all. If people want to believe in this..or WHATEVER they want to believe in...then that is THEIR right and their decision. Why would YOU take this away from us?. People wanted to come onto this website to do their own readings and read their own horoscopes, that was THEIR right..and THEIR own decision and NOT YOURS. If you..yourself do or believe in God...then YOU..yourself should post the TRUTH!. You didn't have to post could of taken this WHOLE website off the web. But? you didn't decided to take the readings and horoscopes off because YOU WANTED to take this away...NOT because ours or YOUR belief in God OR turning away from him!. So, YOU should tell and post the truth!. AGAIN, I ask...WHY..WHY DID you post this (OR such) a website in the FIRST place???
Chris07/30/144:36pmMe thinks the poll has run out of its after life and has died again. Perhaps it will soon resurrect itself from a month of silent repose and result in stimulating the thoughts of others once again. TRANSLATION: Webmaster - you've been sitting on your duff for a month as documented by the birthday on the home web page. Put another question on the page so we all can react to it. Do your job!
Steph07/24/147:45pmChris, it's enough now. Be careful. Before you say something you will greatly regret. Now read the poll question. Stick to the poll question. Leave my name out of it. Leave me alone.
Chris07/23/148:52pmI am sure that all of us will reach our Heaven when our God calls us. As it is written in the Bible, "My house has many rooms." I'm sure that God has a very nice and comfortable room for Steph and the rest of us I the afterlife.
Chris07/23/148:52pmI am sure that all of us will reach our Heaven when our God calls us. As it is written in the Bible, "My house has many rooms." I'm sure that God has a very nice and comfortable room for Steph and the rest of us I the afterlife.
@Chris & @Steph too07/22/147:42amOH Chris..NOW? be nice!!! I am SURE that Steph will go to heaven as well. U both have to be nice to each other instead of picking on each other like this. It takes two, you know. YOU TO, nice to Chris. Try saying and posting to each other ex: "I like you Chirs"----"Ohh I like you too, Steph". Maybe that will help you both. As FOR the BOTH OF YA'S Try to get along ok? ? !!!
Chris07/21/1412:16pmYes we can get along. And to say the least I do believe that there is an afterlife. I will spend mine in Heaven while Steph will spend her's in HELL!
NEW POLL PLEASE07/21/146:52amTime to change the poll PLEASE?!.
@Chris and @Steph07/20/146:49am@Chris, @Steph, God, you two crack me up! LMFAO. Can we NOT get along and talk about this poll?. DO you believe in the afterlife?
Chris07/19/145:56pm@Step - You have a great deal of class Steph! Its all third, but you've got class.
Steph07/18/144:35pm@ Chris: Shut the F Up!
Chris07/07/141:12pm@Steph - You really have imagined a great deal. You have imagined the support of everyone else behind you. You have imagined that I have started the political comments on this page when it was you on May 15th. You have imagined that Deb and I are conspiring together to make your life miserable. Do you think the NSA is looking at your e-mail and tapping your cell phone calls too? If so, I think you need to up you medication, have a long talk with your shrink about everyone being against you, everybody that may disagree with you conspiring against you, and have the psych ward take away your computer and cell phone. Before for you react Steph, take a good read of the entire blog and look who started the politics first and who started all this crap. Its hard for you to look in the mirror isn't it?
Elaine07/03/148:32amEveryone needs to just relax. We all have things we want to say since this poll has lasted longer than it should so I say let people discuss what they want. Stop ganging up on the few who have their opinions/concerns at least they care about whats going on. Everyone should have an open mind and heart to everyone comments and concerns. God Bless America!
NEED a NEW poll! 07/03/147:19amPLEASE!!, CHANGE Poll!!. No one wants to talk about this poll..everyone else wants to talk about FOCKING POLITICS!!
Deb07/03/145:17amGood Morning! Steph you are the one starting fights. I am just discussing the truth about what is going on in Washington. You don't care what is happening and by reading all your posts you are the instigator not me or Chris, so you shut the F_ck Up as you put it. Everyone else have a Wonderful and Safe Fourth of July!!! Remember it not about the cookouts it is about our freedom. So while your partying tomorrow Steph say a little prayer for the soldiers that gave you that freedom.
Steph07/02/146:22pmDeb, STOP!! Stop talking about our government. Stop talking about politics. Stop talking about Obama. Nobody wants to hear it! Stop causing fights. You are calling me a crazy twit? You are the one with the insecurity problem. You cannot become another lady. You are lying to yourself. You need to stop coming on here and causing fights.
Beth07/02/143:55pmThis is my first time in here..and I can NOT believe what I see and read in here. This Poll and the posts PLUS everything else in this website should be removed!!!. I have NEVER seen such pathetic and rude people!!!. WHY CAN NOT you People stay with the SUBJECT? No wonder why this place is ridiculous. Who cares about Obama...this poll is NOT about Politics or is it about Obama. I agree with the last previous person that had posted, take your "politic subjects" somewhere else!!. I BELIEVE in the afterlife cause it happen to me..I was told ALOT will change!...BELIEVE YOU ME..ALOT will CHANGE TO ALL human kind! ! ! ! Thy Kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE on earth as it is in heaven!!!
DO u b-lieve in an afterlife?07/02/143:36pmWe ALL Lie, Debbie! STAY WITH THE SUBJECT! OK?!!!!!!. I do not care about Obama either..but I am NOT going to put him down either..or says he does lie. AGAIN...WE ALL LIE! U, Me...EVERYONE LIES!!! Like Steph says...STAY WITH THE SUBJECT..if you can NOT stay with it...please...take you and yours opinion to the "VIEW POLL" section and post them on there. There is a subject for that in the "view poll' okie dokey?? ALLLLLrighty then!. have yourself a VERY LOVELY DAY! :)
Deb07/02/148:25amSteph you really are a crazy twit!!! I will not shut up and who the hell am I disrespecting??? Obama. That ass will never get my respect he does not respect the American People, Military and our Constitution. He has done nothing but lie to everyone, and people like you believe his lies. He is a jerk and should be impeached for all of his screw ups!! Now for my wish for Everyone else is to have a Wonderful 4th of July!!!
Steph07/01/143:42pmAt Chris: Shut the F up!" Leave it alone now, ok? No more politics, just the poll. No more disrespect, just the poll. No more of this. I'm sick of it and so is everyone else besides your partner, Deb. Stick to the poll question only. You're just a slime. You and Deb can't stop. Just the poll question.
Chris07/01/148:36am@Steph... Take a deep look at the history at this blog and you will find that you are the one person who started to make comments about Obama being a Republican in a past life. Steph, now you are attacking me because you think I'm too "show-offy" for you and you attack others who may express their defense for me. Well, I will try to write a little slower for you Steph so you will understand. You are the north end of a south bound horse! Get a life. As your TV therapist Dr. Phil would say, "Wake up and smell the coffee!" It is time for you to dismount the Chris runs down the dems and praises the reps horse because its DEAD and no matter how much you whip the horse it ain't gonna move. Look at the blog and you'll see you're the one who started all the political stuff as a joke directed towards me.
No Name06/29/147:28pmWhen I was a young girl, I was taught to believe that once you die you sleep forever and your soul dies. This frightened me for many years until I faced the Lord. Now in my adult age I do believe that once you die the Lord puts you in another place and you live another life. I thank God for allowing me to face this. I am looking forward to a greater and a much happier life after with less mistakes in my next life.
GET use to this poll...guys! 06/29/147:32am.....It'll be here for on here for awhile. AND YES, I believe in the afterlife. Elvis has NOT left the building yet..and Michael Jackson is still Alive..ALIVE..!!!! C? what I mean..believe in the afterlife!!
Steph06/27/147:33pmAren't you the same woman who put down parents who are democrats because they spoil their children? And republican make much better parents? And you respect parents who beat their children? Oh boy! Get a life lady! You're the edge for Chris. The both of you start fights on every poll. I like this poll. Why change it, because you say so?
Deb06/27/147:26amHello Everyone!! Steph why are you picking on Chris? He is an intelligent person with his views/opinions and the last time I checked we still have freedom of speech or did Obama take that away completely. So Chris speak on!!!! By the way I do believe in an afterlife and in God. We need a new Poll!!! Have a Nice Day!!!!
Steph06/25/144:16pmChris, almost every comment you make is about former political leaders, new political leaders, democrats, republicans, and of course, Obama. Why do your statements have to be so ridiculously "show-offy," has to be like so "upscale," like your use of the English language is much better than the average person. Just speak out and answer the poll question and leave it alone.
Why can't we be Friends? 06/21/1410:22am@Steph, AND @ Chris, OK!, you two...shake hands and let's be Friends!. LOL!!
Chris06/20/146:46pm@Steph - I'm not taking the rap for this! Steph you're just plain wrong on this one. The anger you read is the feeling that others have expressed. I defy you to show me where I make any mention of negativity about the President. In fact I praise the Democratic former POTUS for getting it right after they leave office! (5/15) and I think the Republican former POTUS can do more. You owe me an apology because you are just blind on this one. I haven't said a word since May 15th!
Jody06/18/146:19amThis question was asked before in previous post/polls...and I will answer this again. YES, I do believe in the afterlife!. I would also like to add a comment on that I have noticed the birthday poll has not been changed...what's up with that? We can not even do our readings anymore..this is not right. Either take this WHOLE website off?, or do something with it!.
Michelle06/17/147:12pmAmen Gerry!! Wow! What an honor to earn your praise! Wow! Is that all you have to say? I and everyone else would feel so honored if you would post your opinion about the afterlife.
Gerry 06/17/141:39pmAmen @Lyn.! And ALSO, Amen @Joan.! GREAT Comments!. Infact? AWESOME!
Steph06/15/144:50pmThat's what I mean Chris! Time and time again on every poll you have to put down democrats and Obama then your friend Deb follows. Stop it alright? It's making this place too negative. Let's only talk about the poll subject.
Donna06/13/1410:26amI believe in the afterlife also. When I was younger, I used to have a reoccuring dream all of the time. I was a different person in a different place and time. It was so real and in the dream I was devasted about something. Later I had another dream that I was the same person in the first dream but much older and I was still devasted and reminiscing over the the same incident. So weird. I believe I was that person in another life. Maybe are souls do get reborn into another body over and over until we get our lives close to being as perfect as it can get. Then finally, we get recruited to be an angel. I really have no idea, but it's a nice thought.
Lyn06/12/1410:33am@Deb OR anybody else that is or wants to get involved with this nonsense...this is NOT the place to write about "politics" Politics is on another poll/post. This is a different subject altogether. SO!~ Please..Ok?...let's "TRY" be alittle bit more "NICER" in here? ok? STAY----WITH---THE----SUBJECT!!!!!!!!!. I believe in the afterlife....I TRULY DO! I had an experience along time ago and I can testify to this believing in the afterlife! There are angels all you have to do..or got to do is ask for them..and..well? they are there for you..that's if you DO believe. There? See how simple....easy that is..WHAT'S YOUR say about this poll...let me read them!. I LOVE seeing and reading phenomenal and true stories like this.
Deb06/12/147:21amLyn, we live in a country since Obama got into office where he has put American against American. He does not what us to work together. I am not being rude just trying to open up folks eyes and make them think with the brain God gave them to see what this wimp---Obama has done to this country. I love my country but not the joke that was put into the presidents office.
Lyn06/11/148:11amCan we write..or say anything that is nice? or good? in here? Sorry, but there is Such rude people here! I LOVE Joan's comment.! I do not like the Government either..but? I am not going to put another human being down. Yes! such rudeness here! If you ALL can not say anything nice? then.......don't bother!.
Sam06/10/148:35amSomeone is drinking the Obama koolaid. You should leave this country, maybe you and your precious Obama will do better living with the muslums since he is one. He is a liberal socialist and all he has on his mind is to destroy this good country. I am a Proud American and will stand up for what I know to be true. This guy has screwed the pooch to many times and needs to come clean about everything and maybe I would have a little respect for him.
OBAMA ROCKS!06/10/148:25amAnd May I add..IF you all hate him this much..then?? like why talk about Obama this much??? Can't make your minds up??? Na...didn't think so!. YOU VOTED FOR HIM?? SO?? why talk about him like so???? I will..WILL stand up for my country as well as for OUR President. You will NOT do the same. SO~ SHAME! SUCH SHAME!
OBAMA ROCKS! ! !06/10/148:20amI am SO~~ SO~~ very HAPPY that YOU ALL HATE AMERICA!!!!!!. GET THE HELL OUT THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. You hate Obama?? THEN You HATE America!!!!!. I do not care if he is white and black with pink dots all over him. Obama is being run by other HIGHER PEOPLE. Remember America is not easy. We need serious people AND YOU ALL are NOT THAT! Cause YOU ALL HATE AMERICA! I LOVE MY COUNTRY AS WELL AS MY PRESIDENT! You DO NOT LOVE both? THEN GET THE FOCK OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND LIVE SOMEWHERE THAT IS COMMUNIST!! YOU ARE ALL COMMUNIST. You go ahead and be a BULLY to this man. Cause You all have nothing else to do, you Communist people. !. Hate America? You do NOT know what You have!. Love my Country...LOVE my President!
Sam06/09/1411:30amThat is funny "Obama Rocks" Yes he has rocks for brains and that is about it. Obamacare is such a major FU_Kup. The only people getting this obamacare are the people who are on welfare and illegal immigrants, but hard working Americans are picking up the tab and paying out the butt for it. So yes Obama has rocks for brains. I just think it is so funny how people really think he is a good president. People are either dumb or have rocks for brains to....Hee! Hee!
Deb06/09/1411:17amWe hate him because he is a liar to the American people. He hates our Military, but likes terrorists. He is a weak man. He is not a leader but a wimp and now the whole world knows it. People like you assume we don't like him because he is black. Remember he is half white which alot of you will not mention, so quit playing the race card it is getting old. His policies, if there are any are weak like him. The wimp is bad for the people and the world. America is a beautiful place. He is just flushing this beautiful country down the toilet. He should be impeached!!!! By the way he cannot run again (Thank God)!!!!
OBAMA ROCKS!!! 06/09/149:43amWhy...say WHY do you all HATE Obama so? If you think he is the devil..then America should be under "Hitler" OR 'Putin'? America is a good country..I LIKE Obama!!! I think why you do not like him is because he is Black! I voted for him. And I will vote for him again if he runs!! I wouldn't wanted the other idiot that was running or to have run this Country..THAT'S for sure.! Shake your heads America is NOT a Communist country! Let me ask you all this...would any of WOULD YOU RATHER LIVE SOMEWHERE ELSE? then America????
Deb06/09/148:38amDaniel I understand your fustrations so remember to vote in 2016 and clean out the senate by drop kicking Reid and that bumble head Pelosi out of office. Those two are about as demented as they come. We will keep the house. Then in 2016 vote in a republican to clean up the mess obama created. So calm down and focus. We need to make America strong again!!!
Daniel06/09/147:38am... your a canadian so you have no idea what Obama has done to this country and be happy you don't live here. He is the anti-christ. He is the devil. He is the worst president in history. Jimmy Carter use to hold that title, but Obama takes top billing on that now. He keeps screwing up and he really does not care. He does not care for the military folks let alone for the american people. He is a complete moran and needs to be impeached. Saving that deserter/traitor and releasing the top 5 terrorists. Every time I watch the news he screws up again. It is like the move Groundhog day, but a nightmare named Obama! I pray to God everyday to release us from this devil. This country is down the toilet because of him.
Who CARES?!!06/08/149:34amWHO CARES?!! Stick with the subject. ok? Obama is on another post. (For your comments and viewing Please click on and see ''View Previous Posts'')!
...06/07/141:17pmI HATE POLITICS!!! BUT LOVE GOD! And Sorry Obama is NOT the Anti Christ. You got the wrong person. Steven Harper is the Anti Christ..come on over and live in Canada for one or two days..and believe you me, you'll want to go back home live in the USA !!!! OR try Northern Korea?? NOW there's a person that is ANTI CHRIST! also there's a place that you'll want to live in...!! HA HA HA HA. Get a life buddy...USA is a GOOD country! What has Obama done that is WRONG? Has he Killed anyone? Has he said anything bad to YOUR face, personally??? Like I said..try any other live in..and BELIEVE YOU ME..YOU'LL WANT TO GO BACK TO THE USA!!!!! Count your blessings for the country that you live in. I like @Joan's comment..(where the hell is the "like" button). Ohh and who ever is looking after this web site? please change the birthday post...May 14th, is LONG!! gone!.
Daniel06/06/141:06pmI believe there is an afterlife like I truly believe in God. I pray to him every day to help us with all the troubles we have here in Washington, DC and the anti-christ Obama. This evil person is destroying all of us and our wonderful country is going down the toilet because of him. Heaven help us!!!!
Joan05/22/1410:06am@Chris? I have been reading your post and you should know that this post will be here for a LONG while. You should go in for Politics! You really should!. But this is a different subject posted just have to stick with it, but have to 'LOVE' it! I am not a very smart person...I just know what is right and what is wrong. AND?, I have to say that, I agree with a few previous people here...Politics and ALSO Religion is NOT a very good thing to talk about. It has CAUSED ENOUGH BULL in this world..never mind this (or) the country! Or any other country. !!. And I hate to admit this..I DO Believe in God...I Do NOT..NOT believe in either of Politics NOR Religion. I believe in GOOD and M.A.D meaning (Make / Making A Difference) for all..and I believe that EVERYONE Including You..yourself should DO the same thing to. !. We got to pull together NOT apart!. Giving kindness..RESPECT to all human kind. Just step back and watch what happens. It is going to get worse...! WE HAVE TO PULL TOGETHER..ok? Trust me..cause...we ALL have to change..And YES that IS INCLUDING ALL GOVERNMENT! It is and can be a good a great place to live..God made this planet for us...let's try to keep it GOOD. MOST of us have to clean our back yards up if you get my drift. Human Society is NOT good, it SUCKS! Well? that's my opinion..gotta M.A D. (Make a Difference)!. Sorry again?, Voicing MY opinion!
Chris05/21/1411:20amYou are correct that I did misread the comment and I do apologize for that and for my previous comment. But there is a level of misunderstanding in this blog that boggles my mind. You cannot even mention an intelligent discussion about the actions of former leaders without political ideology that results in people dragging the conversation into political drama! Are we that sensitive to political correctness that it has now infringed upon the freedoms we all enjoy, in this case free speech? Why can't we ask these questions in general? I understand the main question of this blog is on the afterlife, but my question and intent was not to raise a political storm. It was to ask about the afterlives' of US presidents.
Judy05/20/147:40am@Chris...I do not think you want to stay with the subject..WHY?? is beyond me. I Agree with "take your q somewhere else'. This poll will be here for a long wile..and I do Agree with this other previous person that has just posted. If you do not want to stay with this subject that was provided for ALL of us...then why can't you or do not YOU yourself say or post something else then "politics" Cause this will ONLY cause alot of problems..and we ALL have ENOUGH of this in this world already...and why add more......?
STAY with the subject that has been posted.05/20/147:26am@Chris...the previous person below you did not tell you 'to go to hell'..READ AGAIN or do get your eyes says..."TO HELL with the government" This previous person was no trying to be just took and read it the wrong way.
Chris05/20/145:36am@Take your Q somewhere else - I don't understand how you get something political out of my question unless it is my reference to Democratic and Republican presidents. It was an observation on my part to stimulate conversation in a blog that is known for stagnation due to the lack of change in questions. It is hard for me to take your comments seriously because you present yourself as someone who is seriously mentally ill. You present the most extreme case of bi-polar behavior I have ever seen penned. At first you tell me to "go to hell" and then you tell me "have a nice day". If you are not bi-polar you really have a hard time handling your emotions and anger and I would suggest that you seek some professional help. It may help to improve your quality of life and help you to identify your true feelings.
Take your Q somewhere else, Chris05/17/147:19am@Chris....TO HELL with The Government!. Listen really shouldn't be posting this on here. You as well as everyone else On this site that post here wants something different and nothing from PREVIOUS posts. Your subject has been posted on here before. This here on this page is a different subject ALTOGETHER...ok?. SO? take you Politics somewhere else ALLLLrighty then??. GET use to this POST/Poll FOR A LONG while!!!!. The question has been provided for you. "Do you believe in an afterlife"? have a nice day!. :)
Wendy05/16/146:36amAnswer: Because the (and) ALL Government LOVES 'FOCKING ' with us. No matter who or what kind of Government we all have...they love doing this doing us. DEMOCRATIC and REPUBLICAN, OR any other kind. have MY answer!
Chris05/15/1411:42amOkay, okay. We want a new question and still we yearn for the nostalgia of hanging on to old questions so I propose the following question for all of us. WHY DO FORMER DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTS TEND TO GET INVOLVED IN PUBLIC SERVICE AFTER THEIR PRESIDENCY AND FORMER REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTS TEND TO JUST DISAPPEAR? Jimmy Carter has been in public service for a long time. Bill Clinton has been heavily involved in the Clinton Foundation. I can understand why Reagan wasn't heavily involved, but Bush I was partnered with Clinton and, unless I'm wrong, Bush II really hasn't led any sustained charities. ANY IDEAS?
Anonymous05/13/146:28amYes! I agree with the previous person. This page will be here for some time. SO, Lets all get used to it. AND I see that the date for the post/poll for 'Happy Birthday' hasn't been changed since May 8th. It still shows Enrique Iglesias (May 8th, 1975). Like Hello? we can change this now cause there has been several birthdays since this date. I do not want to see this date anymore. I have someone in the family that got "not so surprisingly hitched' on this day..May 8th, 1978. So, we CAN change this 'birthday poll' now.! YEP I SO~~ DO AGREE...let's get use to this page, it is going to be here for a long while.!!
Let's get used to this page.04/27/146:11amThis question was asked before. Why can't SOMEONE in this DAM place ask something that was interesting or something that was NOT asked before. My answer to this one, is and STILL is the same DAM answer. I BELIEVE IN AFTER-LIFE. This web page is getting really ridiculous. AND including this...the Quick Poll. This is just B.S.! And yes..I agree with u Steph..this wasn't hacked by a Christian. Just Idiots like the people who DOES manage and who(m)ever looks after this page. I DO however agree with Kym J. This page will be on for some get used to it for awhile!.
Steph04/26/141:52pmExcuse me. I am a Christian. We cannot blame a Christian for hacking this webpage. Any person could of done this. The only person who can take responsibility for this is the web master himself/herself. I don't want to get into an argument about this, so lets stick to the subject.
Pete04/25/1410:25am@Chris: a number of people in the discussions area have begun to suspect mysticgames has been hacked by a christian. So you're not alone in your line of reasoning and thinking.
Alan04/25/146:21amGood luck on/with your "reasons", Chris!. As I, myself do not think anyone reads this in the "Administration/-P/A" areas. They just post it..and...wallah! :)
Chris04/23/1410:25amI'm beginning to think that this page has been taken over by a person or group with a religious agenda. My reasons, 1- The blocking of horoscopes and tarot because they divert you from God. 2 - The question on this page about the afterlife. A very basic belief question. and 3- The length of time it took for a new question in hopes that access to the page would cease. (I know reason 3 is a bit of a stretch). If this is true I hope the manager(s) of the this page would just come out and tell us so we could make intelligent decisions e-consumers whether or not to continue accessing this site. If deception is taking place and as a Christian, I feel this is a totally inappropriare practice and creates the wrong perception of Christians for everyone.
Kym J.04/17/148:55amOMG!!..OMG!! I DO NOT believe it..we have a NEW POLL! Like OMG, there is life after death, WOW!. Yes, you are right about that, Joan...I wonder too how long this poll will last..probably ETERNITY!!. This proves it, there is diffidently life after death!.
Chris04/15/147:43pmAs to what I may have been in a past life. Well....some people think I may have been a great leader of a nation lost long ago in the sands of time while others think I was the one true village idiot for a town the size of NYC. Take your pick.
Chris04/15/146:59amNo problem Steph. It is the sensitivity of others that blamed me for things that may or may not be true.
Chris04/15/146:59amNo problem Steph. It is the sensitivity of others that blamed me for things that may or may not be true.
Bay04/14/1410:11amAfter reviewing the effects of quantum physics, the possibility of a holographic universe and that the early Universe creates the real possibility of multiple universes - this questions a no brainer
Steph04/14/1410:10amJust to mention Chris, I was only making a joke and trying to make it a little light and fun. Maybe I shouldn't have made a joke.
Chris04/14/149:09amJust a quick note to everyone. Let it be known to all that I was not the first one who even mentioned politics in this blog. Nor do I intend to if other do the same.
Deborah04/13/1410:55amYes the soul is eternal, I had a near death experience in 1995 and fifty angels manifested in my room, and pulled me out of a comma, and four of them shifted into human form and lifted me from my falling place and put me in the middle of my bed and caressed me and loved me into consciousness and spoke to me telepathically and I awoke in awe as their bodies dissipated and they floated up off of the bed and I could feel the weight of their bodies lift off of the mattress as I gazed in awe at fifty angels floating above me and beaming immense love and light to me. I was told that I was on the right path. Four years later I met my teacher, a Lama from Tibetan Buddhism and with his help he taught me how to feel and receive my love and experience my positive qualities and know a presence of love here on earth that matched the love I felt from the angels four years prior. I have since learned that it is vital to learn how to make love in a loving way to prevent too much history from overloading my aura and taking my spirit into darkness and unconsciousness. Truth and reality must be acknowledged. Fantasizing is one of the most damaging things that people do out of ignorance. We must be more human and real and honest to manifest true love that descends blessings into our physical bodies and emanates healing through our spirit into the earthly world. I am very sad to see that the divination tools are being blocked on this site since God lives in everything including the divination methods.
Amedea04/12/149:56amYes. Spirits are with us all the time.
Steph04/11/142:18pmI believe the soul is eternal not only for humans but for animals as well. And Chris, by the way, do I believe that Obama may have been a Republican in his past life?? No I don't! I believe he was a gang member, died, and became the President of the US. I wonder what Chris was in his past life?? LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Joan04/08/145:55amLOL, Chris!. Let's see how long THIS post will be here. But otherwise to answer THIS question...Yeah..I believe in the after-life. After all..the truth is out there!
Jeff04/07/1411:43pmLOL Chris!
Chris04/07/145:08pmThis page proves there is an after life. I mean how long was this web page dead with its question about a cheating spouse. Then it came to an after life with a new question! Praise be to your God!
Liz04/07/149:05amMy vote is a definite YES! Our bodies will die but our souls live forever.

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