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Category: Stomach and Intestinal
   Chitosan - Herb/Nutrient
Ingredients: Chitosan
Symptoms: Acid Reflux, heartburn, indigestion, ulcers
Description: Chitosan provides a natural source of fiber and acts like other dietary fibers by benefiting the circulatory system. It also helps the body maintain normal functions of digestion and elimination. Researchers believe that if we cleanse our colon with frequent bowel movements, we can rid ourselves of these dangerous toxins, therefore reducing our risk for disease. And how do we create this cleansing process? Fiber is the most important source in reducing your chances. Chitosan has been reported to have antimicrobial effects and has been used to lower cholesterol. (Caution: You should avoid chitosan if you are allergic to shellfish, are pregnant or breastfeeding.)
Submitted by:        Herbivore
     Submitted  03/15/2006

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