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Category: Stomach and Intestinal
   Intestinal/Stomach Remedy
Ingredients: An enema bag with a tube and hemostat or clamp.

Lubricant (either Astroglide or KY will work).

Tap water at about 102 degrees. Tap water is better than distilled water.

A place to hang the enema bag, roughly 1 to 2 feet above your body.
Symptoms: constipation, stomach viruses, intestinal infections
Description: An enema of warm tap water and common table salt can be used to relieve constipation. It can also relieve intestinal infections as well as stomach viruses.

Best positions for receiving an enema depend on whether or not you have a partner to assist with the procedure.
Additional Info: Positions for receiving an enema depend on whether or not you are assisted by a partner. It is best to lie down on your stomach to avoid prematurely expelling water.
Submitted by:        Naturelover
     Submitted  03/07/2006

All healthcare information on this site is inteded for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for professional medical advise. The remedies expressed on this site do not necessarily represent the views of Mystic Games. Always consult a physician for questions concerning your health or that of your family/friends.                                                           

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