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Category: Skin
   Dry up acne, prevent new acne
Ingredients: Un-coated Aspirin (4 - 6 aspirins)
hot water
Symptoms: This easy and inexpensive mask dries up pimples and blackheads like a charm. Also seems to alleviate reddness.
Description: Take the aspirin and add just a few drops of hot water and allow to dissolve. After 3-5 minutes mix the paste up. If it's too watery, add more aspirin...too think, add more water. Rub onto clean face (neck, back, anywhere you have outbreaks) and let it dry completely (5-10 minutes). Be careful around the tip of the nose. As the paste dries it becomes easy to inhale. This paste does a fine job of exfoliation, too. Use once a week or as needed.
Additional Info: Don't use this if you have allergic reactions to aspirin...duh. Don't inhale it. Don't get it in the eyes.
Submitted by:        Anna of New Hope
     Submitted  01/05/2007

All healthcare information on this site is inteded for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for professional medical advise. The remedies expressed on this site do not necessarily represent the views of Mystic Games. Always consult a physician for questions concerning your health or that of your family/friends.                                                           

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