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Category: Respiratory
   Breathe Easy Tea
Ingredients: Licorice root...300 mg * Eucalypus leaf...285 mg * Bitter fennel fruit...255 mg * Bi Yan Pian dry aqueous extract 8.1" * Proprietary Blend...540 mg * Organic peppermint leaf, Organic calendula flower. Pleurisy root, Organic ginger rhizome
Symptoms: Breathing discomfort, nose, stuffy head, tight chest
Description: Promotes normal respiratory tract health by removing mucus and helping to keep the nasel passages open. All the above ingrediants work in different ways. The "Bi Yan Pian" is a traditional formula for the sinuses.
Additional Info: This stuff works!!! You brew the tea like it says, cover, let it steep, within 15-20 minutes, you will feel the nose open up, a few cups a day will also help the congestion.
Submitted by:        Deborah Hanson-Ohio
     Submitted  06/14/2006

All healthcare information on this site is inteded for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for professional medical advise. The remedies expressed on this site do not necessarily represent the views of Mystic Games. Always consult a physician for questions concerning your health or that of your family/friends.                                                           

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