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Category: Headache
   Vinegar Washcloth
Ingredients: white or cider vinegar
Symptoms: Strong pain in head. So so relief for migranes.
Description: Wet a washcloth with cold water. Fold the washcloth in half. Put a few dabs of vinegar on the washcloth. Then fold the washcloth, so that it is a fourth. Lay down and place the washcloth over your head. I put it over my eyes, just make sure you are AWARE of where the vinegar is within the washcloth. I don't really think it would feel good to get it in your eyes. My mom used to use this remedy when we were kids and it worked well on most headaches. Something about the pungent smell of vinegar. Sometimes works on migranes and sometimes it doesn't.
Submitted by:        Anonymous
     Submitted  04/21/2007

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