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Category: Hair and Scalp
   cool water strengthens hair
Ingredients: Basically just make a habit of washing & rensing your hair with mild to cool water,whenever in the shower.
Symptoms: The general weakening of hair, and eventually growing bald...prematurely.
Description: This easy technique is inspired from the rather simple notion that the entire bodily hair of a human being actually serves the role of our "fur"!
And furs--as it is the case with the animals--are in reality nature's gift to the creatures, for them to stay warm especially in the cooler seasons.
It is therefore quite logical to assume that the furs function best in the cold, and that they "thrive" best when exposed to cool/cold temperature.
[This self-made(self-discovered) methode seems to work in my case atleast, and i've always had extremely soft & fragile hair ever since i was a little kid, and it has helped me in preservingabout 95% of my hair so far (knock on wood!LOL) so it might work for others or it might not, but it certainly wouldnt jeapordize one's hair to any sorts of damages or risks, fortunately!]
Additional Info: The hair(on the human scalp) basically weakens much faster if/when exposed too much to water that's too warm or hot. This is true atleast in the case of about 40%-50% of the people who have experienced losing their hair prematurely. It is because the hair on our scalps is a lot more fragile in comparison with the rest of our bodily hair, obviously because it's a lot more exposed to different harsh conditions & environments in one's lifetime. But it is nevertheless a type of fur--a slightly weaker fur, that is-- and you can almost feel its strength & thick volume(& vitality) when under coolish water, as opposed to warmer water which gives a feel of a "thoroughly washed thru" when you're touching & handling your hair in the shower.
Submitted by:        Stephan@DK
     Submitted  09/03/2006

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