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Category: Bladder
   Aloe Vera - Herb/Nutrient Aloe Vera
Ingredients: Aloe Vera herb
Aloe Vera juice
Symptoms: Bladder infections, kidney stones, other urinary problems
Description: Although Aloe Vera is well known for its topical use on the skin, it has traditionally been used for its gastrointestinal and digestive system properties. It has cleansing properties which help the body with various functions including liver, kidney, gall bladder and blood circulation functions. Drinking Aloe Vera juice on a regular basis helps facilitate the digestive system due to its natural anti-inflammatory fatty acids, including the stomach, small intestine and colon. Its a great way to prevent heartburn be reducing the acidity level in the stomach.
Additional Info: Some studies have also shown that Aloe contains compounds that boost the immune system.
Submitted by:        Herbivore
     Submitted  03/24/2006

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera

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