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Famous people in recent history

Celebrities starting with the letter Q...

Below is a list of celebrities/famous people whose last names start with the letter Q. Click on any of the links below for biographical information on actors, actresses, singers, song writers, political figures and more! Each profile includes birthday, place of birth, occupation, achievements, and pictures if available. We also include the person's astrological sign, Chinese sign, growth and personality tarot card (based on numerology).

  1. Bill Quackenbush   - Hockey player     
  2. Dennis Quaid   - Actor     
  3. Randy Quaid   - Film star/Comic     
  4. Paul Quantrill   - Baseball Player     
  5. Joseph V. Quarles   - US Politician     
  6. Joseph Very Quarles   - US Politician     
  7. Suzi Quatro   - leather-clad singer, bass guitarist, songwriter     
  8. Matthew Stanley Quay   - US Politician     
  9. Matthew Quay   - US Politician     
  10. Anthony Quayle   - Movie Actor     
  11. John F. Quayle   - US Politician     
  12. John Francis Quayle   - US Politician     
  13. Dan Quayle   - US vice-president     
  14. Marilyn Quayle   -     
  15. Caroline Quentin   - TV actress     
  16. Mae Questel   - Movie actress     
  17. Manuel L. Quezon   - US Politician     
  18. Albert Harold Quie   - US Politician     
  19. Jimmy Quillen   - US Politician     
  20. James H. Quillen   - US Politician     
  21. Percy E. Quin   - US Politician     
  22. Josiah Quincy III   - US Politician     
  23. Richard Quine   - Movie Actor/Director     
  24. Kathleen Quinlan   - Movie actress     
  25. Glenn Quinn   - Movie Actor     
  26. Terence J. Quinn   - US Politician     
  27. Colin Quinn   - Comedian     
  28. Mark Quinn   - Baseball Player     
  29. James Leland Quinn   - US Politician     
  30. Thomas Vincent Quinn   - US Politician     
  31. Aidan Quinn   - Irish actor, film star, Desperately Seeking Susan     
  32. Anthony Quinn   - Hollywood actor     
  33. Stephane Quintal   - Hockey player     
  34. Carlos Quintana   - Baseball Player     
  35. Selena Quintanilla   - Tejana Singer     
  36. Dan Quisenberry   - Baseball Player     
  37. Robin Quivers   -