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Famous people in recent history

Celebrities starting with the letter J...

Below is a list of celebrities/famous people whose last names start with the letter J. Click on any of the links below for biographical information on actors, actresses, singers, song writers, political figures and more! Each profile includes birthday, place of birth, occupation, achievements, and pictures if available. We also include the person's astrological sign, Chinese sign, growth and personality tarot card (based on numerology).

  1. LL Cool J   - Musician     
  2. Wolfman Jack   -     
  3. Hugh Jackman   - Actor     
  4. Barret Jackman   - Hockey player     
  5. Phil Jackson   - Basketball player     
  6. Dexter Jackson   - American Football player     
  7. Marlin Jackson   - American Football player     
  8. Tyoka Jackson   - American Football player     
  9. Wanda Jackson   - Country singer     
  10. Helen Hunt Jackson   - US novelist     
  11. Samuel Dillon Jackson   - US Politician     
  12. Henry Martin Jackson   - US Politician     
  13. Scoop Jackson   - US Politician     
  14. Henry M. Jackson   - US Politician     
  15. Shoeless Joe Jackson   - Baseball Player     
  16. Travis Jackson   - Baseball Player     
  17. Alan Jackson   - Singer     
  18. Bo Jackson   - Baseball     
  19. Glenda Jackson   - British stage and film actress, politician     
  20. Janet Jackson   - sister to Michael, singer, songwriter     
  21. Jermaine Jackson   - Athlete     
  22. Jesse Jackson   -     
  23. Joshua Jackson   - Actor     
  24. Kate Jackson   - TV actress, Charlie's Angels     
  25. LaToya Jackson   - singer, writer, sister to Michael Jackson     
  26. Mahalia Jackson   - Gospel singer     
  27. Michael Jackson   - superstar, rock singer, songwriter, fab dancer, animal lover     
  28. Peter Jackson   - Film/TV Director     
  29. Reggie Jackson   - Baseball     
  30. Samuel L. Jackson   - Actor     
  31. Victoria Jackson   - Actress     
  32. Andrew Jackson   - US Politician     
  33. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson   -     
  34. Howell Edmunds Jackson   - US Politician     
  35. William P. Jackson   - US Politician     
  36. Irene Jacob   - Movie actress     
  37. Andrew Jacobs   - US Politician     
  38. Meyer Jacobstein   - US Politician     
  39. Hattie Jacques   - Movie actress     
  40. Claude Jade   - Movie actress     
  41. Richard Jaeckel   - Actor     
  42. Sam Jaffe   - Movie Actor     
  43. Madhur Jaffrey   - Movie actress     
  44. Bianca Jagger   - ex-wife of Mick, tireless worker for her home country Nicaragua     
  45. Dean Jagger   - Actor     
  46. Mick Jagger   - lead singer Rolling Stones, won fame, fortune, women, keeps on rocking     
  47. Jaromir Jagr   - Hockey player     
  48. Guy Adrian Vander Jagt   - US Politician     
  49. Guy Vander Jagt   - US Politician     
  50. Henry James   - American novelist, wrote much in England and Paris, What Maisi Knew     
  51. Jesse James   - western outlaw, shot by own gang     
  52. Ollie M. James   - US Politician     
  53. Harry James   - Musician     
  54. LeBron James   - Basketball     
  55. Rick James   - Singer     
  56. Etta James   - Contemporary Christian singer     
  57. Rebecca St. James   - Contemporary Christian singer     
  58. Edgerrin James   - American Football player     
  59. Bruce James   - Movie Actor     
  60. Oliver James   - Movie Actor     
  61. Sid James   - Movie Actor/Comic     
  62. Susan Saint James   - Movie actress     
  63. Big Bill James   - Baseball Player     
  64. John Jameson   - US Politician     
  65. Antawn Jamison   - Basketball player     
  66. Leos Janacek   - Opera composer     
  67. Thomas Jane   - Movie Actor     
  68. Allison Janney   - Movie actress     
  69. Emil Jannings   - Movie Actor     
  70. Dan Jansen   -     
  71. David Janssen   - Movie Actor     
  72. Ruud Janssen   - Artist/Painter     
  73. Derek Jarman   - Film/TV Director     
  74. John Jarman   - US Politician     
  75. Jim Jarmusch   - Film/TV Director     
  76. Spencer Jarnagin   - US Politician     
  77. Al Jarreau   - Singer     
  78. William P. Jarrett   - US Politician     
  79. David Jason   - Movie Actor     
  80. Julian Javier   - Baseball Player     
  81. Stan Javier   - Baseball Player     
  82. Jacob Koppel Javits   - US Politician     
  83. Jacob K. Javits   - US Politician     
  84. Jacob Javits   - US Politician     
  85. Alexej von Jawlensky   - Artist/Painter     
  86. William Jayne   - US Politician     
  87. Wyclef Jean   -     
  88. Norma Jean   - Country singer     
  89. Gloria Jean   - Movie actress     
  90. Marianne Jean-Baptiste   - TV actress     
  91. Albert W. Jefferis   - US Politician     
  92. William J. Jefferson   - US Politician     
  93. Jesse Jefferson   - Baseball Player     
  94. James M. Jeffords   - US Politician     
  95. James Jeffords   - US Politician     
  96. Justin Jeffre   -     
  97. Anne Jeffreys   - Singer     
  98. Herbert Jeffreys   - Movie Actor     
  99. Daniel Jenifer   - US Politician     
  100. William L. Jenkins   - US Politician     
  101. Thomas A. Jenkins   - US Politician     
  102. Stephan Jenkins   - Singer     
  103. Richard Jenkins   - Movie Actor     
  104. Ken Jenkins   - TV Actor     
  105. Ferguson Jenkins   - Baseball Player     
  106. Geoff Jenkins   - Baseball Player     
  107. Thomas Albert Jenkins   - US Politician     
  108. Kris Jenkins   - American Football player     
  109. Bruce Jenner   - Athlete     
  110. Ken Jennings   -     
  111. Peter Jennings   - TV Reporter     
  112. Waylon Jennings   - Singer     
  113. Jonas Jennings   - American Football player     
  114. Gary Jennings   - US novelist     
  115. William Pat Jennings   - US Politician     
  116. Hughie Jennings   - Baseball Player     
  117. John Jenrette   - US Politician     
  118. Jackie Jensen   - Baseball Player     
  119. Penny Johnson Jerald   - TV actress     
  120. Adele Jergens   - Movie actress     
  121. Chris Jericho   - Musician     
  122. Derek Jeter   - Baseball Player     
  123. Michael Jeter   - Movie Actor     
  124. Sam Jethroe   - Baseball Player     
  125. Joan Jett   - Rock singer     
  126. Jean-Pierre Jeunet   - Film/TV Director     
  127. Buddy Jewell   - Country singer     
  128. Isabel Jewell   - Movie actress     
  129. Sarah Orne Jewett   - US novelist     
  130. Daniel T. Jewett   - US Politician     
  131. Norman Jewison   - Film/TV Director     
  132. Ann Jillian   - Actress     
  133. Chris Joannou   - Musician     
  134. Steven Jobs   -     
  135. Alejandro Jodorowsky   - Film/TV Director     
  136. Billy Joel   - singer, pianist, songwriter     
  137. Scarlett Johanssen   - Movie actress     
  138. Scarlett Johansson   - Actress     
  139. Elton John   - singer, songwriter, phenomenon     
  140. Christopher John   - US Politician     
  141. Tommy John   - Baseball Player     
  142. Jill St. John   - Movie actress     
  143. Gwen John   - Artist/Painter     
  144. Pope John Paul II   -     
  145. Danny John-Jules   - TV Actor     
  146. Daniel Johns   - Composer     
  147. Glynis Johns   - star of Mary poppins and many others     
  148. Jasper Johns   - Pop artist     
  149. Alexz Johnson   - Singer     
  150. Amy Jo Johnson   - Actress     
  151. Arte Johnson   - Actor     
  152. Carolyn Dawn Johnson   - Singer     
  153. Don Johnson   - TV, film actor     
  154. Lady Bird Johnson   -     
  155. Lyndon B. Johnson   - US Politician     
  156. Randy Johnson   - Baseball Player     
  157. Van Johnson   - Actor     
  158. Andrew Johnson   - US Politician     
  159. Walter Perry Johnson   - Baseball     
  160. Tim Johnson   - US Politician     
  161. Nancy L. Johnson   - US Politician     
  162. Timothy V. Johnson   - US Politician     
  163. Sam Johnson   - US Politician     
  164. Eddie Bernice Johnson   - US Politician     
  165. Richard Mentor Johnson   - US Politician     
  166. Cave Johnson   - US Politician     
  167. Charles Fletcher Johnson   - US Politician     
  168. Reverdy Johnson   - US Politician     
  169. Jed Johnson   - US Politician     
  170. Edwin Carl Johnson   - US Politician     
  171. George William Johnson   - US Politician     
  172. Lyndon Baines Johnson   - US Politician     
  173. William R. Johnson   - US Politician     
  174. Hiram Warren Johnson   - US Politician     
  175. Waldo Porter Johnson   - US Politician     
  176. Magnus Johnson   - US Politician     
  177. Edwin S. Johnson   - US Politician     
  178. Hiram W. Johnson   - US Politician     
  179. Russell Johnson   - TV Actor     
  180. Ben Johnson   - Movie Actor     
  181. Darrell Johnson   - Baseball Player     
  182. Davey Johnson   - Baseball Player     
  183. Jason Johnson   - Baseball Player     
  184. Lou Johnson   - Baseball Player     
  185. Mike Johnson   - Singer and others (multiple people with same name)     
  186. Nick Johnson   - Baseball Player     
  187. Walter Johnson   - Baseball Player     
  188. Rita Johnson   - Movie actress     
  189. Thomas Francis Johnson   - US Politician     
  190. Lyndon Johnson   - US Politician     
  191. Hiram Johnson   - US Politician     
  192. Brian Johnson   - Rock/Pop singer     
  193. Jack Johnson   - Rock/Pop singer     
  194. Ashley Johnson   - Rock singer     
  195. Andre Johnson   - American Football player     
  196. Bethel Johnson   - American Football player     
  197. Chad Johnson   - American Football player     
  198. Eric Johnson   - American Football player     
  199. Keyshawn Johnson   - American Football player     
  200. Ted Johnson   - American Football player     
  201. Dennis Johnson   - Basketball player     
  202. Ervin Johnson   - Basketball player     
  203. Gus Johnson   - Basketball player     
  204. Kevin Johnson   - Basketball player     
  205. Magic Johnson   - Basketball player     
  206. Vinnie Johnson   - Basketball player     
  207. Kim Johnsson   - Hockey player     
  208. Mary Johnston   - US novelist     
  209. Olin Johnston   - US Politician     
  210. Sue Johnston   - TV actress     
  211. John B. Johnston   - US Politician     
  212. Joseph F. Johnston   - US Politician     
  213. Joseph Forney Johnston   - US Politician     
  214. Rienzi M. Johnston   - US Politician     
  215. John W. Johnston   - US Politician     
  216. Josiah Stoddard Johnston   - US Politician     
  217. Charles Clement Johnston   - US Politician     
  218. J. Bennett Johnston   - US Politician     
  219. Charlie Joiner   - American Football player     
  220. JoJo   - Singer and Actress     
  221. Eugene Jolas   - US novelist     
  222. Aurel Joliat   - Hockey player     
  223. Angelina Jolie   - Model     
  224. Al Jolson   - Singer     
  225. Dom Joly   - Comedian     
  226. Cathy Jones   - Comedian     
  227. Tom Jones Jones   - Jazz singer     
  228. James Jones Jones   - US novelist     
  229. Grace Jones   - Jamaican-American actress, androgynous icon     
  230. Lois Mailou Jones   - Artist/Painter     
  231. Brent Jones   - American Football player     
  232. Deacon Jones   - American Football player     
  233. K. C. Jones   - Basketball player     
  234. Dhani Jones   - American Football player     
  235. Freddie Jones   - American Football player     
  236. Julius Jones   - American Football player     
  237. Kevin Jones   - American Football player     
  238. Terry Jones   - American Football player     
  239. Jack Jones Jones   - Movie Actor     
  240. Andruw Jones   - Baseball Player     
  241. Jacque Jones   - Baseball Player     
  242. Cleon Jones   - Baseball Player     
  243. Mack Jones   - Baseball Player     
  244. Ruppert Jones   - Baseball Player     
  245. Sad Sam Jones   - Baseball Player     
  246. Carolyn Jones   - Movie actress     
  247. Walter B. Jones   - US Politician     
  248. Stephanie Tubbs Jones   - US Politician     
  249. George Jones   - US Politician     
  250. James Jones   - US Politician     
  251. George Wallace Jones   - US Politician     
  252. George Washington Jones   - US Politician     
  253. Isaac Dashiell Jones   - US Politician     
  254. John P. Jones   - US Politician     
  255. Charles W. Jones   - US Politician     
  256. James Kimbrough Jones   - US Politician     
  257. James K. Jones   - US Politician     
  258. John Percival Jones   - US Politician     
  259. Wesley Livsey Jones   - US Politician     
  260. Wesley L. Jones   - US Politician     
  261. Andrieus A. Jones   - US Politician     
  262. John M. Jones   - US Politician     
  263. Bobby Jones   - golfer, Masters Tournament founder, Grand Slam winner     
  264. Brian Jones   - Singer     
  265. Chipper Jones   - Baseball Player     
  266. Daniel Jones   - Composer     
  267. Davy Jones   - Singer     
  268. Dean Jones   - Actor     
  269. Howard Jones   - Musician     
  270. Jack Jones   - singer     
  271. James Earl Jones   - film star, stage actor     
  272. Jennifer Jones   - film actress     
  273. Jenny Jones   -     
  274. John Paul Jones   -     
  275. Marion Jones   - Athlete     
  276. Norah Jones   - Singer     
  277. Quincy Jones   - jazz trumpeter, composer, bandleader     
  278. Shirley Jones   - Singer     
  279. Spike Jones   - Comedian     
  280. Tom Jones   - Welsh singer, famous for women in the audience throwing their knickers at him     
  281. Tommy Lee Jones   - one of the best creatures to hit the screen     
  282. Erica Jong   - writer, Fear of Flying     
  283. Bartel John Jonkman   - US Politician     
  284. Spike Jonze   - Film/TV Director     
  285. Scott Joplin   - ragtime composer, pianist     
  286. Janis Joplin   - singer, songwriter     
  287. Barbara Jordan   - Politician     
  288. Michael Jordan   - Basketball     
  289. Neil Jordan   - Film/TV Director     
  290. Len B. Jordan   - US Politician     
  291. Brian Jordan   - Baseball Player     
  292. Asger Jorn   - Artist/Painter     
  293. Addie Joss   - Baseball Player     
  294. Darwin Joston   - Movie Actor     
  295. Louis Jourdan   - Actor     
  296. Ed Jovanovski   - Hockey player     
  297. Carmen Jovet   - TV Reporter     
  298. Milla Jovovich   - Movie actress     
  299. Leatrice Joy   - Movie actress     
  300. Alice Joyce   - Movie actress     
  301. Yootha Joyce   - Movie actress     
  302. James Joyce   - Irish poet, author Ulysses     
  303. Florence Griffith Joyner   - American triple Olympic gold medal winning sprinter     
  304. Wally Joyner   - Baseball Player     
  305. Jackie Joyner-Kersee   - US Olympic (three) gold medal winning heptathlete, long jump champion     
  306. Moses Norris Jr.   - US Politician     
  307. Hubert Selby Jr.   - US novelist     
  308. Donald Judd   - Artist/Painter     
  309. Walter Henry Judd   - US Politician     
  310. Ashley Judd   - Movie actress     
  311. Naomi Judd   - country and western singer, The Judds     
  312. Wynonna Judd   - Singer     
  313. Christopher Judge   - TV Actor     
  314. Mervana Jugic-Salkic   - Tennis player     
  315. Raul Julia   - Actor     
  316. Miranda July   - Singer     
  317. Gordon Jump   - Actor     
  318. Joe Juneau   - Hockey player     
  319. Carl Jung   - Swiss psychologist, psychiatrist     
  320. John Junkin   - Comedian     
  321. Katy Jurado   - Movie actress     
  322. Curt Jurgens   - Movie Actor     
  323. John Jurkovic   - American Football player     
  324. Donald Justice   - US novelist     
  325. David Justice   - Baseball Player