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William Mahone
Biographical Information

Birth Date:December 1, 1826
Astrology Sign:Sagittarius
Chinese Sign: -
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Died Date:October 8, 1895

Occupation:US Politician

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William Mahone

Biography:William Mahone (December 1, 1826 - October 8, 1895), of Southampton County, Virginia, was a civil engineer, teacher, soldier, railroad executive, and a member of the Virginia General Assembly and U.S. Congress.

As a civil engineer, he helped build Virginia's roads and railroads in the antebellum and postbellum (Reconstruction) periods of the 19th century.

During the American Civil War, as a leader eventually attaining the rank of major general of the Confederate States Army, Mahone is best known for turning the tide of the Battle of the Crater against the Union advance during the Siege of Petersburg in 1864.

Mahone became a political leader in Virginia, led the Readjuster Party, and helped obtain funding in 1881 for a teacher's school that later grew to become Virginia State University. Small of stature, he was nicknamed "Little Billy".

Personality and Character Cards:
Personality and character cards are identical!

William Mahone's Personality Tarot Card The Empress - Personality Card

Birthday: December 1, 1826

Abundance, fruitfulness and fertility; perhaps marriage or children.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

William Mahone's Growth Tarot Card The World

Birthday: December 1, 2024

The realization of a prize or goal; success, triumph, achievement.




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