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William Findley
Biographical Information

Birth Date:April 5, 1821
Astrology Sign:Aries
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Occupation:US Politician

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William Findley

Biography:William Findley (c. 1741- April 4, 1821) was an American farmer and politician from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He served in both houses of the state legislature and represented Pennsylvania in the U.S. House from 1791 until 1799 and from 1803 to 1817.

Born in Ulster and coming to Pennsylvania in 1763, William Findley became one of the most influential politicians in the State. Settleing first in Cumberland County he married, started a family and participated in both a political and military capacity in the Revolution. In 1783 he moved his family across the Allegheny Mountains to Westmoreland County, from which he was almost immediately elected to the Council of Censors. On this Council, which was to decide whether the radical Constitution of 1776 needed to be revisesd, he established himself as an effective supporter of what the "best people" considered the radical position in state politics. In the following years he served in the Ninth through Twelfth General Assemblies and on the Supreme Executive Council. He was a major opposition voice in the Pennsylvania convention that ratified the federal Constitution and he was one of the leaders in the convention that, in 1789, wrote a new Constitution for Pennsylvania. After serving in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, he was elected to the Second Congress from the district west of the mountains in 1791. William Findley served in the Second through the Fifth congresses. As a voice of reason, in 1794 he helped to calm the passions of the Whiskey Insurrection. After declining nomination to the Sixth Congress, he was elected to the State Senate because he allowed his name to be placed on the local ticket to rally western support for Thomas McKean's campaign for Governor. Elected to the Eighth Congress, he served through the Fourteenth, the turbulent years of the Burr conspiracy, the embargo, and the War of 1812 as a strong supporter of Jefferson and Madison. He was known as "The Venerable Findley," and because he was the senior representative in years of sersvice, he was in 1811 designated "Father of the House" the first man to be award that honorary title. He died in his home along the Loyalhanna Creek on April 5, 1821.

Personality and Character Cards:
Numerology is used to calculate tarot cards

William Findley's Personality Tarot Card The World - Personality Card

Birthday: April 5, 1821

The realization of a prize or goal; success, triumph, achievement.

William Findley's Character Tarot Card The Empress - Character Card

Birthday: April 5, 1821

Abundance, fruitfulness and fertility; perhaps marriage or children.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

William Findley's Growth Tarot Card The Star

Birthday: April 5, 2024

Hope, promise, renewal, and light after darkness.




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