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Willard Scott
Biographical Information

Birth Date:March 7, 1934
Astrology Sign:Pisces
Chinese Sign:Dog - Yin
Birth Name:Willard Herman Scott, Jr.
Birth Place:Alexandria, VA


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Willard Scott

Biography:Willard Scott (born March 7, 1934) is an American media personality, best known for his work on NBC's Today show.

Born in Alexandria, Virginia, Scott attended American University in Washington, D.C. and was a member of Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity. While there, he met Ed Walker. The two hosted a program on the university radio station WAMU-AM for two years, before moving to WRC-AM in 1953. Their program, The Joy Boys, remained on-air until 1972.

Scott spent the 1960s balancing his radio career alongside numerous jobs as hosts of children's television programs. He appeared on local television playing characters such as Commander Retro and Bozo the Clown. Another role he played during this time was that of Ronald McDonald, who he was hired to portray for a McDonald's franchise in Washington, D.C. Scott played Ronald in the first three television ads featuring the character.

In 1970, Scott moved from radio to television, appearing on WRC-TV as a weekday weatherman. He remained there until 1980, when he was tapped by NBC to become its weatherman for The Today Show. After being inspired by a viewer request, Scott began his practice of wishing centenarians a happy birthday in 1983, which he continues to do on a weekly basis.

In 1989 Today show co-host Bryant Gumbel wrote an internal memo critical of the show's crew. The memo was leaked to the media. Gumbel said Scott "holds the show hostage to his assortment of whims, wishes, birthdays and bad taste...This guy is killing us and no one's even trying to rein him in." This garnered enough of a backlash that Gumbel was shown making up with Scott on the Today show.

Willard Scott had a small role as Mr. Peter Poole on the NBC sitcom The Hogan Family, where his character was married to Mrs. Poole, played by Edie McClurg.

Scott is also an author, having published several fiction and non-fiction books based on his experiences, and a professional speaker.

Although he did retire as the full-time weatherman, he continues to appear on the Today show to wish centenarians a happy birthday and to substitute for Al Roker.

Family Dad: Tim Scott (1901-1953) Mom: Cindy Scott (1911-1998) Wife: Mary Dwyer (1938-1992) Daughter: Mary Dwyer-Scott (1963-) Daughter: Sally Dwyer-Scott (1967-) Son: Donny Dwyer-Scott (1960-1978)

Chinese Horoscope for Willard Scott
Includes characteristics and Vices
Willard Scott's Chinese Horoscope
Chinese Year: February 14, 1934 - February 03, 1935
Birthday: March 7, 1934

The Dog is a Yin,
and is the Eleventh sign of the Chinese horoscope.


Personality and Character Cards:
Personality and character cards are identical!

Willard Scott's Personality Tarot Card The Hermit - Personality Card

Birthday: March 7, 1934

A time for soul searching and meditation; a need for patience and solitude.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Willard Scott's Growth Tarot Card The Sun

Birthday: March 7, 2025

Cheerfulness, prosperity, energy and optimism.




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