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Southwest Ordinance
Biographical Information

Birth Date:June 1, 1796
Astrology Sign:Gemini
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Occupation:US Politician

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Southwest Ordinance

Biography:Southwest Ordinance on May 26, 1790, out of land that was ceded to the U.S. federal government by North Carolina; it passed from existence with Tennessee's admission to the Union on June 1, 1796.

The name "Territory South of the River Ohio" suggests a much larger territory than modern-day Tennessee. Even though Kentucky was south of the Ohio River, it was still a part of Virginia when the Southwest Territory was organized in 1790, and it would stay part of Virginia until it became a state in 1792. The land south of modern-day Tennessee was either still claimed by Georgia or disputed with Spain. Part of it would be organized as the Mississippi Territory in 1798, two years after the Southwest Territory had passed from existence.

The Southwest Territory is not the same as the modern Southwestern United States.

Personality and Character Cards:
Personality and character cards are identical!

Southwest Ordinance's Personality Tarot Card The Empress - Personality Card

Birthday: June 1, 1796

Abundance, fruitfulness and fertility; perhaps marriage or children.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Southwest Ordinance's Growth Tarot Card The Devil

Birthday: June 1, 2024

Inhibitions, blocks and fears which, once removed, release positive energy.




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