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Samuel Dinsmoor
Biographical Information

Birth Date:July 1, 1766
Astrology Sign:Cancer
Chinese Sign: -
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Died Date:March 15, 1835

Occupation:US Politician

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Samuel Dinsmoor

Biography:Samuel Dinsmoor For others with similar names, see Samuel Dinsmoor (disambiguation). Samuel Dinsmor (July 1, 1766- March 15, 1835) was an American teacher, lawyer and politician from Keene, New Hampshire. Born in 1766 in Windham, New Hampshire, he represented New Hampshire in the U.S. House from 1811 to 1813 and later served as Governor. He died in 1835 in Keene, New Hampshire, and is buried there at the Washington Street Cemetery.

Personality and Character Cards:
Numerology is used to calculate tarot cards

Samuel Dinsmoor's Personality Tarot Card The Wheel of Fortune - Personality Card

Birthday: July 1, 1766

A new chapter is starting; problems are solved through changes in circumstances.

Samuel Dinsmoor's Character Tarot Card The Magician - Character Card

Birthday: July 1, 1766

Creative initiative, skill and opportunities for new ventures.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Samuel Dinsmoor's Growth Tarot Card The Tower

Birthday: July 1, 2024

Rigid or imprisioning structures need to be torn down and replaced with the new.




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