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Robert Beecher Howell
Biographical Information

Birth Date:January 21, 1864
Astrology Sign:Aquarius
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Occupation:US Politician

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Robert Beecher Howell

Biography:Robert Beecher Howell (Born 1864- d. 1933) was a Nebraska republican politician. He was born on January 21st, 1864 in Adrian, Michigan. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland in 1855. Afterwards he went to the Detroit School of Law. He moved to Omaha, Nebraska for his health in 1888. He was first a Nebraska state engineer from 1895 to 1896 and the a city engineer for the city of Omaha in 1896 to 1897. He was a lieutenant in the United States Navy during the Spanish-American War. He was elected to the state senate in 1902 to 1904, and then serived on the Omaha Water Board and its successor, the Metropolitan Utilities District from 1904 to 1923. Of which he was the chair of from 1912 to 1923. Was elected to the Republican National Committee in 1912, 1916, and 1920.

He ran against John H. Morehead in 1914 and lost, and was a lieutenant in the United States Naval Reserve Force from 1917 to 1923. In 1921, he was the chairman of the radio commission in the United States Post Office Department. He was elected to the United states Senate in 1922 and reelected in 1928 and served from March 4th 1923 until March 11th, 1933, when he died in office. During his time in the senate, he was the chairman of the Committee on Claims (1927 to 1933).

Preceded by: Gilbert M. Hitchcock (D) United States Senator from Nebraska (Class 1) 1923-1933 Succeeded by: William H. Thompson (D)

Personality and Character Cards:
Personality and character cards are identical!

Robert Beecher Howell's Personality Tarot Card The Hierophant - Personality Card

Birthday: January 21, 1864

Guidance on religious matters and the need to find spiritual meaning in life.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Robert Beecher Howell's Growth Tarot Card The Emperor

Birthday: January 21, 2025

Material success, stability, authority and ambition.




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