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Robert A. Heinlein
Biographical Information

Birth Date:July 7, 1907
Astrology Sign:Cancer
Chinese Sign:Sheep - Yang
Birth Name:
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Died Date:May 8, 1988

Occupation:US novelist

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Robert A. Heinlein

Biography:Robert A. Heinlein (July 7, 1907 - May 8, 1988) was one of the most influential and controversial authors of "hard" science fiction. He set a high standard for science and engineering plausibility that few have equaled, but also helped to raise the genre's standards of literary quality. He was the first writer to break into mainstream general magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post in the late 1940s with unvarnished science fiction. He was among the first authors of bestselling novel-length science fiction in the modern mass-market era. For many years Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, and Arthur C. Clarke were known as the "Big Three" of science fiction.

The major themes of Heinlein's work were social: radical individualism, libertarianism, solipsism, religion, the relationship between physical and emotional love, and speculation about unorthodox family relationships. His iconoclastic approach to these themes has led to wildly divergent perceptions of his works. His 1959 novel Starship Troopers was excoriated by some as being fascist. His 1961 novel Stranger in a Strange Land, on the other hand, put him in the unexpected role of pied piper to the sexual revolution and counterculture.

The English language has absorbed several words from his fiction, including "grok," meaning "to understand something so thoroughly that it becomes part of the observer." During his lifetime, beginning with his very first works in the later 1930s, he was also a major influence on many other writers, who tried to emulate, with varying degrees of success, the apparently effortless skill with which he blended speculative concepts and fast-paced storytelling.

Heinlein won four Hugo Awards for his novels, awarded following the year of publication. In addition, fifty years after publication, three of Heinlein's works were awarded "Retro Hugos" - awards given retrospectively for years in which no Hugos had been awarded. He also won the first Grand Master Award given by the Science Fiction Writers of America for lifetime achievement.

Achievements: (Filmography)
The Puppet Masters (1994)
Destination Moon (1950)

The Fantasies of Robert A. Heinlein (1999)
Requiem: New Collected Works by Robert A. Heinlein and Tributes to the Grand Master (1992)
Take Back Your Government: A Practical Handbook for the Private Citizen (1992)
Tramp Royale (1992)
Grumbles from the Grave (1989)
To Sail Beyond the Sunset (1987)
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (1985)
Job, A Comedy of Justice (1984)
Friday (1982)
The Number of the Beast (1980)
Expanded Universe (1980)
Time Enough For Love (1973)
I Will Fear No Evil (1970)
The Past Through Tomorrow (1967)
Farnham's Freehold (1965)
Orphans of the Sky (1963)
Glory Road (1963)
Podkayne of Mars (1963)
Lost Legacy (1960)
The Menace from Earth (1959)
Starship Troopers (1959)
The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag (1959)
Have Space Suit—Will Travel (1958)
The Robert Heinlein Omnibus (1958)
The Door into Summer (1957)
Citizen of the Galaxy (1957)
Time for the Stars (1956)
Tunnel in the Sky (1955)
The Star Beast (1954)
Assignment in Eternity (1953)
Starman Jones (1953)
Revolt in 2100 (1953)
Between Planets (1951)
The Green Hills of Earth (1951)
The Man Who Sold the Moon (1950)
Waldo and Magic Inc. (1950)
Farmer in the Sky (1950)
Red Planet (1949)
The Day After Tomorrow (1948)
Space Cadet (1948)
Rocket Ship Galileo (1947)
The Rolling Stones (1947)
Beyond This Horizon (1942)
Methuselah's Children (1941)
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
Double Star

Chinese Horoscope for Robert A. Heinlein
Includes characteristics and Vices
Robert A. Heinlein's Chinese Horoscope
Chinese Year: February 13, 1907 - February 01, 1908
Birthday: July 7, 1907

The Sheep is a Yang,
and is the Eighth sign of the Chinese horoscope.

Good Manners
Lack of Foresight

Personality and Character Cards:
Personality and character cards are identical!

Robert A. Heinlein's Personality Tarot Card The Emperor - Personality Card

Birthday: July 7, 1907

Material success, stability, authority and ambition.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Robert A. Heinlein's Growth Tarot Card The Fool

Birthday: July 7, 2024

The beginning of a cycle or an adventure; a risk must be taken.




Portions of famous people database was used with permission from Russell Grant from his book The Book of Birthdays Copyright © 1999, All rights reserved. Certain biographical material and photos licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, from Wikipedia®, which is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

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