Chinese Horoscope for Kevin Costner
Includes characteristics and Vices
![Kevin Costner's Chinese Horoscope](/images/Horse.gif)
Chinese Year: |
February 03, 1954 -
January 23, 1955 |
Birthday: |
January 18, 1955 |
The Horse is a Yang,
and is the Seventh sign of the Chinese horoscope.
Persuasivness Autonomy Popularity Style Dexterity Accomplishment
Selfishness Unscrupulousness Rebellion Haste Anxiety Pragmatism
Personality and Character Cards:
Numerology is used to calculate tarot cards
The Hanged Man - Personality Card
Birthday: January 18, 1955
A sacrifice must be made in order to gain something of great value.
The Empress - Character Card
Birthday: January 18, 1955
Abundance, fruitfulness and fertility; perhaps marriage or children.
This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday
The Wheel of Fortune
Birthday: January 18, 2025
A new chapter is starting; problems are solved through changes in circumstances.