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Karan English
Biographical Information

Birth Date:March 23, 1949
Astrology Sign:Aries
Chinese Sign:Ox - Yin
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Occupation:US Politician

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Karan English

Biography:Karan English (Born March 23, 1949, Berkeley, California) served in the U.S. House of Representatives of the 103rd United States Congress from 1993-1995.

A Democrat, English represented Arizona's 6th Congressional District, which in the 1990s included much of Mesa, Scottsdale and northeast Arizona. Prior to her election to the U.S. House of Representatives, English served as an Arizona State Senator (1991-1993), State Representative (1987-1991), and Coconino County supervisor (1981-1987). In the Arizona senate, English developed a reputation as a liberal on fiscal, social and environmental issues.

Despite being heavily outspent during her campaign, English won her 1992 General Election race against Republican Doug Wead after being endorsed by former U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater. Goldwater said he thought Wead was out of touch with Arizona because of his relatively brief residency in the state - two years to English's 22. Wead countered that Goldwater's support of abortion rights spurred the unexpected crossing of party lines. English may have also benefitted from Democratic Party momentum in 1992, which was the year of Bill Clinton's first presidential election victory.

English was the second woman to represent Arizona in Congress, with Isabella Selmes Greenway (1933-1937) being the first.

After serving a single term in Congress, English was defeated by Republican challenger J.D. Hayworth in 1994.

English is now involved with the Center for Sustainable Environments at Northern Arizona University.

Chinese Horoscope for Karan English
Includes characteristics and Vices
Karan English's Chinese Horoscope
Chinese Year: January 29, 1949 - February 16, 1950
Birthday: March 23, 1949

The Ox is a Yin,
and is the Second sign of the Chinese horoscope.

Strength of Purpose

Personality and Character Cards:
Numerology is used to calculate tarot cards

Karan English's Personality Tarot Card Death - Personality Card

Birthday: March 23, 1949

Changes: the end of the old and the birth of the new.

Karan English's Character Tarot Card The Emperor - Character Card

Birthday: March 23, 1949

Material success, stability, authority and ambition.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Karan English's Growth Tarot Card Strength

Birthday: March 23, 2025

A time for self-awareness involving courage, strength, and determination.




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