John M. McHugh (born September 29, 1948) is a politician from the state of New York, currently representing the state's 23rd Congressional district (map) in the United States House of Representatives. McHugh was born in Watertown, New York and he graduated from Utica College. He was elected to the New York state senate as a Republican in 1984, and successfully ran for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1992 to replace Congressman David O'Brien Martin. McHugh hasn't faced serious competition from Democrats, or anyone within his own Republican party since his election to the House. The 23rd District is overwhelmingly Republican.
McHugh is a bachelor after divorcing his first wife.
His home is in Pierrepont Manor, in upstate New York. He was a chief proponent of the Armed Forces' ban of women serving in combat.
McHugh has a very conservative record, approving of President George W. Bush's legislation 82f the time and voting along Republican party lines 91f the time.
McHugh's brother Patrick, has been involved in a ]], as he is a partner in a law firm representing elderly care homes in New York state. The elderly care home system has been increasingly criticized for the lack of adequate services, and Patrick's wife, Martha, happens to be the $104,000/year assistant commissioner for intergovernmental affairs at the State Department of Health, the state organization means to oversee the system. Critics explain that it is the intertwining conflicts of interest that has created the problems facing the 15,000 residents in the system:,barrett,34773,5.html
On September 28, 2005, McHugh voted against HR 3402, a proposal in the House of Representatives to crack down on price-gouging by the oil and gas industries after Hurricane Katrina. Just months before this vote, McHugh voted in favor of the Republican bill which provided billions in subsidies, etc. to the gas and oil industries. According to, McHugh has received almost $10,000 from the gas and oil industries.
McHugh is a senior member of the Armed Services committee. McHugh never served in the Armed Forces. Dr. Robert Johnson, his Democratic opponent in 2004, will face him again in 2006.