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Hugh Joseph Addonizio
Biographical Information

Birth Date:January 31, 1914
Astrology Sign:Aquarius
Chinese Sign:Tiger - Yang
Birth Name:
Birth Place:
Died Date:February 2, 1981

Occupation:US Politician

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Hugh Joseph Addonizio

Biography:Hugh Joseph Addonizio (January 31, 1914 in Newark, New Jersey-February 2, 1981 in Red Bank, New Jersey) was a U.S. political figure.

He graduated from Fordham University in New York City in 1939 and went to work for A&C Clothing, Co. in Newark where he became vice president in 1946. During World War II he had served in the United States Army, attaining the rank of second lieutenant.

In 1946, Addonizio ran for and won a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives as a Democrat. He resigned his seat on June 30, 1962 to run for mayor of Newark. He served as mayor from 1962 until 1970 when he lost his reelection bid. Addonizio, the last white mayor of Newark, was convicted of corruption after leaving office.

Much of the corruption became public when he was convicted, along with five others working in or through his administration, of "literally delivering the city into the hands of organized crime," according to former U.S. District Judge Herbert J. Stern. Convicted with Addonizio on charges of extortion were Anthony (Tony Boy) Boiardo, reputed Mafia leader; former city public works director Anthony LaMorte; Norman Schiff and Phillip Gordon, both former city corporation counsel, and Ralph Vacaro, labeled the "bag man" for Boiardo.

All five were charged with taking kickbacks on heavy construction projects. Addonizio was sentenced to 10 years but was released in 1979 after serving five.

Chinese Horoscope for Hugh Joseph Addonizio
Includes characteristics and Vices
Hugh Joseph Addonizio's Chinese Horoscope
Chinese Year: January 26, 1914 - February 13, 1915
Birthday: January 31, 1914

The Tiger is a Yang,
and is the Third sign of the Chinese horoscope.

Good Luck

Personality and Character Cards:
Numerology is used to calculate tarot cards

Hugh Joseph Addonizio's Personality Tarot Card Justice - Personality Card

Birthday: January 31, 1914

Balance, wisdom and a need for rational, logical solutions.

Hugh Joseph Addonizio's Character Tarot Card The High Priestess - Character Card

Birthday: January 31, 1914

Wisdom, secrets to be revealed, and the development of intuition.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Hugh Joseph Addonizio's Growth Tarot Card The Hierophant

Birthday: January 31, 2025

Guidance on religious matters and the need to find spiritual meaning in life.




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