George Reeves
Biographical Information
Sex: | M |
Age: | 45 |
Birth Date: | January 5, 1914 |
Astrology Sign: | Capricron |
Chinese Sign: | Ox - Yin |
Birth Name: | George Keefer Brewer |
Birth Place: | Woolstock, IA |
Died Date: | June 16, 1959 |
Website: | |
Biography: | George Reeves (born George Keefer Brewer to Don Brewer and Helen Lescher) (January 5, 1914 - June 16, 1959) was an American actor, best known for playing the role of Superman on the television series The Adventures of Superman in the 1950s. |
Achievements: | (Filmography) Hollywoodland (2006)
Chinese Horoscope for George Reeves
Includes characteristics and Vices
Chinese Year: |
February 06, 1913 -
January 25, 1914 |
Birthday: |
January 5, 1914 |
The Ox is a Yin,
and is the Second sign of the Chinese horoscope.
Integrity Strength of Purpose Stability Innovation Diligence Eloquence
Stubbornness Bigotry Plodding Standoffishness Bias Vindictiveness
Personality and Character Cards:
Numerology is used to calculate tarot cards
The World - Personality Card
Birthday: January 5, 1914
The realization of a prize or goal; success, triumph, achievement.
The Empress - Character Card
Birthday: January 5, 1914
Abundance, fruitfulness and fertility; perhaps marriage or children.
This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday
The Devil
Birthday: January 5, 2025
Inhibitions, blocks and fears which, once removed, release positive energy.