Don Zimmer
Biographical Information
Sex: | M |
Age: | 94 |
Birth Date: | January 17, 1931 |
Astrology Sign: | Capricron |
Chinese Sign: | Horse - Yang |
Birth Name: | |
Birth Place: | |
Website: | |
Occupation: | Baseball Player |
Biography: | Don Zimmer (born January 17, 1931 in Cincinnati, Ohio) is a former infielder, manager and coach in Major League Baseball. His career has taken him across the United States and Canada. He likes to brag that he had never drawn a paycheck outside of baseball. Many fans know him for his brawl with Pedro Martinez in the 2003 American League Championship Series. |
Chinese Horoscope for Don Zimmer
Includes characteristics and Vices
Chinese Year: |
January 30, 1930 -
February 16, 1931 |
Birthday: |
January 17, 1931 |
The Horse is a Yang,
and is the Seventh sign of the Chinese horoscope.
Persuasivness Autonomy Popularity Style Dexterity Accomplishment
Selfishness Unscrupulousness Rebellion Haste Anxiety Pragmatism
Personality and Character Cards:
Personality and character cards are identical!
The Hierophant - Personality Card
Birthday: January 17, 1931
Guidance on religious matters and the need to find spiritual meaning in life.
This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday
The Hermit
Birthday: January 17, 2025
A time for soul searching and meditation; a need for patience and solitude.