Brian Giles
Biographical Information
Sex: | M |
Age: | 54 |
Birth Date: | January 20, 1971 |
Astrology Sign: | Aquarius |
Chinese Sign: | Dog - Yin |
Birth Name: | |
Birth Place: | |
Website: | |
Occupation: | Baseball Player |
Biography: | Brian Giles (born January 20, 1971, in El Cajon, California) is a Major League Baseball right fielder who plays for the San Diego Padres (2003-present). Giles (pronounced JYLES) attended Granite Hills High School and did not attend college, but played with the Cleveland Indians (1995-1998) and Pittsburgh Pirates (1999-2003). He bats and throws left-handed. His brother Marcus Giles is a second baseman for the Atlanta Braves. |
Chinese Horoscope for Brian Giles
Includes characteristics and Vices
Chinese Year: |
February 06, 1970 -
January 26, 1971 |
Birthday: |
January 20, 1971 |
The Dog is a Yin,
and is the Eleventh sign of the Chinese horoscope.
Constancy Heroism Respectability Duty Intelligence Morality
Uneasiness Criticism Self-Righeousness Cynicism Unsociability Tactlessness
Personality and Character Cards:
Numerology is used to calculate tarot cards
The Hanged Man - Personality Card
Birthday: January 20, 1971
A sacrifice must be made in order to gain something of great value.
The Empress - Character Card
Birthday: January 20, 1971
Abundance, fruitfulness and fertility; perhaps marriage or children.
This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday
The Empress
Birthday: January 20, 2025
Abundance, fruitfulness and fertility; perhaps marriage or children.