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Bert M. Fernald
Biographical Information

Birth Date:April 3, 1858
Astrology Sign:Aries
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Died Date:August 23, 1926

Occupation:US Politician

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Bert M. Fernald

Biography:Bert M. Fernald (April 3, 1858-August 23, 1926) was a United States Senator and Governor of Maine.

Born in West Poland, Maine, he attended the public schools, Hebron Academy and a business and preparatory school in Boston. He then taught school (and was elected supervisor of schools in 1878), and then engaged in the canning, dairy, and telephone businesses. He was elected to the Maine House of Representatives and served 1896 to 1898, and then 1898 to 1902 in the Maine Senate. He served as a Governor of Maine from 1909 until 1911. In 1910 he was elected president of the National Canners Association. In 1916 he was elected as a Republican to the U.S. Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Edwin C. Burleigh. He was reelected in 1918 and 1924 and served from September 12, 1916, until his death in West Poland, Maine, in 1926. He was chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds for three terms.

Personality and Character Cards:
Numerology is used to calculate tarot cards

Bert M. Fernald's Personality Tarot Card Justice - Personality Card

Birthday: April 3, 1858

Balance, wisdom and a need for rational, logical solutions.

Bert M. Fernald's Character Tarot Card The High Priestess - Character Card

Birthday: April 3, 1858

Wisdom, secrets to be revealed, and the development of intuition.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Bert M. Fernald's Growth Tarot Card The Devil

Birthday: April 3, 2024

Inhibitions, blocks and fears which, once removed, release positive energy.




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