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Adam Levine
Biographical Information

Birth Date:March 18, 1979
Astrology Sign:Pisces
Chinese Sign:Sheep - Yang
Birth Name:Adam Noah Levine
Birth Place:Los Angeles, California, USA


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Adam Levine

Biography:Adam Levine (born on March 18, 1979) is the lead singer/guitarist for the rock/pop group Maroon 5.

Adam Levine was born in Los Angeles, California and is ethnically half Jewish, from his father's side. He attended the private Brentwood School, where he met the original members of the band Kara's Flowers, Jesse Carmichael, Mickey Madden and Ryan Dusick. The band released an album in 1997 titled The Fourth World. The album never had much success, and its only single "Soap Disco" failed. Adam used to sing in a deeper, stronger voice while he was with Kara's Flowers.

The band subsequently changed their name to Maroon 5 when the guitarist James Valentine joined. Adam's high, expressive voice helped the band to achieve much success in the music charts. Their debut album, Songs about Jane, is about Adam's ex-girlfriend, Jane, a girl who, as he says, has inspired him over the years, and most of the lyrics of the songs are inspired by their stormy relationship.

In 2005, Levine featured on the Ying Yang Twins song, "Live Again", and later appeared on Kanye West's Late Registration album, on the third single - "Heard 'Em Say". He also featured the song "Wild Horses" with Alicia Keys on her latest album Alicia Keys - MTV Unplugged.

Adam Levine's major influences include The Beatles and Stevie Wonder, as well as The Police.

Levine has been linked to a number of Hollywood celebrities, including Natalie Portman, Paris Hilton, Kirsten Dunst, Lindsay Lohan, and currently Jessica Simpson.

Chinese Horoscope for Adam Levine
Includes characteristics and Vices
Adam Levine's Chinese Horoscope
Chinese Year: January 28, 1979 - February 15, 1980
Birthday: March 18, 1979

The Sheep is a Yang,
and is the Eighth sign of the Chinese horoscope.

Good Manners
Lack of Foresight

Personality and Character Cards:
Numerology is used to calculate tarot cards

Adam Levine's Personality Tarot Card Justice - Personality Card

Birthday: March 18, 1979

Balance, wisdom and a need for rational, logical solutions.

Adam Levine's Character Tarot Card The High Priestess - Character Card

Birthday: March 18, 1979

Wisdom, secrets to be revealed, and the development of intuition.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Adam Levine's Growth Tarot Card The Empress

Birthday: March 18, 2025

Abundance, fruitfulness and fertility; perhaps marriage or children.




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